Introduce Your Kids To Healthy Snacking Habits


“Mom, I am hungry, give me something to eat” is something that every mother hears at least 6 times a day. Children tend to snack a lot between meals because growing kids often get hungry. While cooking something for your child when they are hungry is difficult, resorting to already prepared snacks isn’t a reliable way.

You may want to restrict the consumption of packaged snacks as they are full of refined flour, added sugars, and artificial ingredients. However, an educator from Montessori West Covina, CA, has claimed that snack time is a great opportunity for parents to sneak some extra nutrients into their child’s diet. So, without further ado, we will share some healthy snacks you can give your child to munch on in between meals.

List Of Healthy Snacks For Your Kid:


Yogurt is an excellent snack for your kids because it is a source of protein and calcium. Normally, we all know how calcium is crucial for developing a child’s bone. Moreover, some yogurts may also contain live bacteria, which benefits the digestive system.

Most yogurts specifically developed for kids are high in sugar, so you must choose plain full-fat yogurt and sweeten it using natural sweeteners. Dried fruits and fresh fruits are some great examples you can resort to adding sweetness to yogurt.


You may take the popcorn as junk food, but you are wrong. It is a nutritious whole grain that will fulfill the nutritional supplements found in general cereals. However, while providing your kid with popcorn, make sure not to drown it in unhealthy toppings. Instead, air-pop your popcorn, and drizzle a bit of butter and sprinkle some grated Parmesan on top for a flavor.

Celery with peanut butter:

Celery with peanut butter and raisins are known to us as “ants on a log.” Moreover, it is a fun way to get your child to eat a vegetable as well. So, you have to cut a stalk of celery into three or four pieces.

Then you just spread peanut butter inside the celery. After that, put a bit of raisin on top of the butter, which will mimic the look of an ant. These foods are a good source of carbs, protein, and fat. However, you must ensure that the peanut butter does not have added sugar or vegetable oils.


Nuts are extremely high in healthy fats. Moreover, it also includes fiber and antioxidants. Normally, dietary fat is encouraged to be included in the meals to support children’s growth.

Many experts from Montessori West Covina, CA have also recommended that introducing nuts at an early age will lower the risk of developing nut allergies. However, to make sure that nuts aren’t a choking hazard, you must handle the texture. So, you can cut them into pieces or crush them lightly.

Trail mix

Trail mix is equivalent to having a party in your mouth. However, as long as your child is not allergic to nuts, you can opt for this snack for your kid as it is one of the healthiest options out there.

Most commercial trail mixes contain chocolate candies. This amalgamation makes the meal high in sugar, but you can easily make it in your own house using the healthiest option. For this, you may mix nuts, dried fruits, and whole-grain cereal. And you are done.

Lastly, we recommend giving your child sliced pears with ricotta cheese to snack on as well. Pears are normally a sweet treat and easy for a little one to eat. In addition, they are high in fiber and are considered to have beneficial plant compounds. Spread ricotta cheese on it to give the taste bud a reason to rejoice.



Walnut Montessori-Preschool Academy

Walnut Montessori-Preschool Academy offers quality and affordable preschool and daycare services in Walnut, California.