How To Teach Your Child Manners?


A child with good manners is appreciated everywhere. As a parent, you must have thought about the ways to introduce your child to good behaviors. There are many healthy and effective ways to initiate the process. At Child care City of Industry, CA, we have listed a few effective ways that could be useful for building up a child’s behavior. There are different stages of child behavior, and we have listed them down as per the age. So, keep reading…

Let’s Begin With Infants

Do’s: Infants learn a lot from the things that they watch. Be the role model for your child by using positive gestures and language in front of your little one. At this stage, parents must be aware of the forbidden objects and discipline them accordingly. Stick with the basic rules.

Don’t: Saying no to your child all the time at this stage might not be a good idea. Save it for emergencies. Don’t get impatient with your infant.

Here Come The Toddlers

Do’s: Encourage and praise your child for good behaviors. And ignore that should be discouraged. Although, at this stage, tantrums are very common, be patient with the child and help them understand new skills and teaching. Set timely naps and meals that would add up to their routine.

Don’t: At this stage, the toddlers might fight, do not thrash the kid or behave badly. Avoid taking any sides and handle the situation maturely.

Preschool Comes Next

Do’s: This is the age where kids are still trying to figure out how things work. Begin with letting them understand age-appropriate tasks. The reward can add a lot of benefits. Allowing the child to make choices could be healthy for the growth years. Treat your child to treat others in a good way.

Don’t: Don’t criticize your child or make him do things forcefully. Instead, be patient and teach him new skills slowly.

The Grade School Stage

Do’s: This is a stage where the child tries to get hold of the good and bad behaviors. Communicate better with them and try to understand their needs. Keep going on with the patience structure and make them understand the necessity of good behavior.

Don’t: Never use physical violence as a means of punishment. This is a criminal attribute and unhealthy for the child in every way.

Teenage Is Pivotal

Do’s: This is a sensitive age where the parents must become friendlier with the kids. A lot of affection and attention is required at this stage. They should get to know about respectful behaviors and relationships by now. Acknowledging their achievements will help them grow better. They are younger and can make healthier choices, keep supporting them all along. Make rules for the child and yourself at home. Never stop being the role model. Introduce them to new and sensitive topics slowly.

Don’t: Keep your anger in control. Do not try to dominate a teenage child. This will make things worse. Nagging should be avoided to have unwanted conflicts.

Children must get hold of good behavioral patterns from their parents and their place of learning. By doing so, they will grow up to a responsible citizen of society. The Child care City of Industry, CA, has introduced the technique of “time-out” that could be helpful for behavioral issues in a child. Rules can make a child develop good manners and become more responsible as they grow older. Reward your child whenever necessary and pay attention as per the child’s requirements. Be kind to the soul that’s still learning many new things present in the world. If required, prevent bad behaviors and replace them with good ones.



Walnut Montessori-Preschool Academy

Walnut Montessori-Preschool Academy offers quality and affordable preschool and daycare services in Walnut, California.