Essential Tips to Raise a Reader


Preschool Covina, CA

Reading is important for kids as it prepares them to be able to learn and develop their ability to function properly in this ever-changing world. If you can develop the habit of reading in your kids, it would benefit them in many different ways. In Preschools, teachers do reading and storytelling with kids as it promotes their brain development, imagination, improves literacy skills, emotions, and strengthens relationships.

So, how can you develop the reading habit in your kids and raise a reader?

It will not happen in one or two days; it is a journey and you should start the process from an early stage. In this article, you will find some important tips that would help you in the process.

You need To Read –

If you want your kids to be a reader, you need to develop the habit first. It may so happen that you used to read but now with all the responsibilities, you do not get enough time to read. But parents now is the time to bring that habit back. You need to take out some time from your busy schedule and read books for yourself as well as for your kids.

Get some age-appropriate books –

You need to get some age-appropriate books for your kids. If you have a toddler at home, you can collect some picture books from Covina, CA playschool library or buy them. Initially, kids will get attracted to the bright colorful pictures of the book and then slowly start reading the books. You can even read to your newborns as they also benefit from the experience of hearing stories. As they will never complain about your choice of books, you can pick any book that you like and start reading.

But how you should read to the newborns so that they develop the habit of reading?

Readout loud, every day. Any book. You can start with any book with a newborn; it can be a recipe book, a novel, an encyclopedia, a parenting manual, or a newspaper. Choice of books does not matter actually. Here the most important factor would be the sound of your voice, the rhythm of the text, and the words themselves. According to childcare experts, the number of words infants are exposed to has a direct impact on their language and literacy development.

Use your senses. Kids who are exposed to reading from an early age realize that reading is fun and learn to involve all their senses. They touch and feel the texture of the pages, smell the books, see the illustrations, hear the sound of their parent’s voice.

Mind your audience. While reading to your newborns please do not forget to make eye contact but don’t expect any particular reaction. You may feel that they are not listening, but they are absorbing the experience. Moreover, the patterns, routines, and attentive habits that are set now will definitely last for a lifetime.

Get your baby talking. While reading to your newborns, if they make any sound please respond. This may sound nonsense but this is how you will build a communication channel with your smaller ones.

In Preschools, teachers always keep the following points in their mind while developing the reading habit in the toddlers.

· Reading happens throughout the day. Sometimes they read aloud books to their students and sometimes they let the children read on their own.

· Teachers respect their students’ preferences and allow them to pick books according to their choice.

During the structured reading time, teachers make sure kids get the opportunity to explore different types of books as this would expand their world.



Walnut Montessori-Preschool Academy

Walnut Montessori-Preschool Academy offers quality and affordable preschool and daycare services in Walnut, California.